Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Doing well, but extending my time

Hello World!

I feel like I've been doing pretty well considering I have approached another "girly" time week. I weighed in at 146 so I lost 2 more pounds since the last time I blogged and I have 19 more pounds to lose. I am extending my finish date to my birthday, May 28th. I want to weigh 127 by the time I turn 24. :) May 10th is approaching too fast and I feel like if I stress myself out about it then I won't lose the weight and I'll sabotage myself.

So if I did the math correctly, I need to lose 19 pounds in 73 days. That means I need to lose 2.6 pounds every week. Sounds a whole lot better than 4 pounds a week. :) I'm trying to stay positive.

I did eat on the bad side today. I had a Special K protein shake for breakfast which was 5 points. I had a Smart Ones Alfredo with broccoli which was 6 points. I had unsalted pretzels which, the amount I ate, was about 5 points. For dinner I am making a reduced fat burger and sweet potato on the side. The burger is 6 points and the sweet potato is 3 points. My whole dinner is 9 points.
This brings my total to 26 out of 29 points for the day. :)


73 days left and 19 pounds to go! Woot woot!

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